Thursday, July 22, 2021

Shabbat 2 - From the house to the street

On Shabbat, one should not take things from his house into the street and vice versa. This is one of the thirty-nine "labors" prohibited on Shabbat.

At first glance, it seems strange and hard to find in the Torah. However, "and the people were restrained from bringing more" refers to this. The people were not allowed to carry from their private domain into a public one, and it happened on Yom Kippur, which has the same laws as Shabbat.

For example, if a poor man is standing outside a house and a householder is inside - and if the poor man extends his hand with an object and places it into the hand of a householder - the poor man is liable for bringing the object in on Shabbat. Similarly, the poor man should not take objects out of the house.

Thus, there are two prohibited acts that the man can do while standing outside. However, if the poor man extends his hand inside, but now the householder takes the basket from him - since the poor man performed only half of the act - he has not violated Shabbat. The Sages prohibited it, nevertheless, to prevent him from doing a complete act.

Thus, the rule is that "there are two ways to violate Shabbat, which are really four" - two more were added by the Sages.

Art: Pittoco Sitting by Giacomo Ceruti

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