Thursday, January 31, 2008


I have updated the Super Pita site for my friends, here is the new gallery.

Friday, January 18, 2008

When one may lie

One may declare a vow to murderers to support his claim that the produce they seek to seize from him is terumah and hence forbidden to a non-Kohen, even though in truth it is not terumah.

This Mishna (Nedarim 27b) refers to Jewish robbers, who will kill people to steal their property but how nonetheless observe other laws of the Torah!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Rabbi Shalom Sharabi!!!

The 10th of Shvat (this Thursday), is the hillulah of the Rashash. His exciting life is recounted here. This calls for a celebration and for a prayer that one should be successful in the study of Kabbalah.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Celebrating my birthday and the yartzeit of Baba Sali

Early morning I brought goodies from Super Pita. My friends at work reciprocated with balloons. I was joining my birthday to the yartzeit of Baba Sali, today, the 4th of Shvat. You can find a complete calendar at Nehora.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

My new havruta

I was sitting across Borders in the Galleria when this guys appears with long tzitzit and Artscroll Bava Metsia in his hands!

I waive my Nedarim, he waves his Talmud, and he asks what am I learning. I am learning about a person who vows not to sleep today if he sleeps tomorrow. We discuss the case for a while, then I ask about his learning.

He is learning a case of a woman who damages somebody, and the statement that the husband does not have to pay for her because she has no money. The Talmud suggests that she should sell the value of her ketubah as a risk investment, and then goes into false witnesses.

We learn for half an hour and become good friends. I send his picture to my wife, her reaction "You have changed a lot!"