He says, "Listen, Israel (Shema, Israel!), you are approaching an enemy." He uses the word "enemy" to emphasize that if Jews were fighting against Jews, as it happened between the tribes at times, they could expect the victors to be merciful with the captives. He then quotes historical episodes to prove the point. However, with enemies, it is not like that; they will not pity you. This understanding caused them to fight with all their might.
"They come against you with human might, as Goliath. You, however, will win, like David did, because your God is walking with you."
Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai said, "Why is God walking with them? – because they say the 'Shema' prayer, just like the Kohen at war mentioned. From here, we see that if only all Israel said 'Shema' in the evening and in the morning, they would never fall into the hands of the enemies."
Art: David Beheading Goliath by Michiel van Coxie
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