But this vow is too incomplete, he in fact said nothing binding! – Really, he then added, “on me.” But what precisely is his vow? What limitation did he put upon himself! – A Nazir was passing in front of him, or he added, “Of this, I will not eat.”
If he has specified so much, what new information has the teacher told us? Of course, the vow should work! – Well, although he did not enunciate, “I hereby take a vow,” his declaration of “Like the vows of the careless” still took effect.
If he said, “Like the vows of the righteous,” it is as if he has not said anything because the righteous don't make vows. However, if he said, “Like their free-will offerings,” he should follow a good example of the righteous and do what he promised.
King Solomon said, “Better not vow at all than vow and not pay.” What about one who vows and does pay? Some say that it is still better not to vow at all, but some – say that vowing and fulfilling the vow is better than anything.
Art: Rienzi Vowing to Obtain Justice by William Holman Hunt
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