For example, if she gets an inheritance from her father's family, she has full control over it, and can sell it or give it away, and her late husband's brothers cannot get it back. However, what happens if she dies? Since it is uncertain whether she is a wife or not, half of the property that constitutes her inheritance goes to her father's family, but the other half goes to the husband's brothers – that is the opinion of Beit Shammai.
However, Beit Hillel uses a different method: in a case of doubt, the money remains in possession of that one who possesses it right now.
For example, her Ketubah - money that she gets upon divorce or the husband's death - remains in possession of those who own it - the husband's heirs.
Similarly, the property that she brought in and assessed at a certain sum, also called a dowry, remains in possession of the one who owns them. However, who possesses it? Our ruling does not say – and it is in itself a further disagreement: some say it is the husband's heirs, some – that it is the wife's heir, and yet others – that both sides possess it, so they would divide them. These and similar laws are discussed in more detail in the Talmud sections dealing with inheritance.
Art: Her Future Dowry by Antoine Jean Bail
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