What about one who is only deaf or only mute? Generally, he has to do the mitzvot, but he still does not have to go to the Temple. Why? We have to admit that our ruling is incomplete, and the teacher intentionally omitted some words. Since going to the Temple on a Holiday is for the purpose of hearing and learning, and one who is deaf cannot hear, while a mute cannot learn, they don't have to go. However, the joy of the Holiday is still for them, and they should bring a "peace offering of joy" and eat it.
But is it true that one who cannot talk can't learn? Why, two mute brothers always attended the lessons of Rabbi Yehudah the Prince, nodded in agreement, moved their lips. In the end, Rabbi Yehudah prayed for them, and they recovered, and it was found out that they knew all parts of the Torah!? Correct, but the purpose of learning is also teaching, and a mute cannot teach.
What does it mean that "The words of the wise are as goads and as nails well-planted... given by one Shepherd"? – That just like goads direct a cow in the field, so the words of the Torah direct people to good ways of life. Why are they fastened steady like nails? The difference is this. Nails take away from the wall. By contrast, mitzvot are "planted" and give back to those who observe them. Finally, they all come from one Master, and even though the Sages disagree, one can still find a correct way.
Art: Two Brothers by Maurice Leloir
Rulings? Seriously?
If one expects a reward for performing a mitzvah can the deed truly be considered a mitzvah?!
Yes. If one gives a coin a says, "So that my son be cured," this is considered a perfect mitzvah
Kabbalah of Chagigah 3
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