Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Yoma 4 - What is Yom Kippur like?

Earlier, we learned that Yom Kippur is compared to the Temple dedication. Just as there, the priests stayed in the Temple for seven days, so must the High Priest prepare for Yom Kippur by seven days of separation. This, however, is the opinion of Rabbi Yochanan. Resh Lakish compares Yom Kippur to the giving of the Torah. Just as Moses was covered by the cloud for six days, everyone who is to enter Divine presence must prepare for this by being alone.

Their disagreement is about how to understand the phrase of the Torah, “And the glory of God rested on Mount Sinai, and the cloud covered it (or him) for six days.” The words “Vaykasehu” can be understood as “covered it (the Mount)” or “covered him (Moses).” If God's glory covered Moses, then we can learn from here the behavior before Yom Kippur. But if it covered the cloud - then we cannot learn anything from it. Also, this difference in understanding leads to different dating of the giving of the Torah, the holiday of Shavuot (sixth or seventh of Sivan), and to a different understanding of the relationship between God and Moses: when God called to Moses, then, if the cloud was covering Moses, it signified the need to come close to God and receive the Torah. If, however, the cloud was covering the Mount, then, when God called to Moses, he was emphasizing that of all the Jews, He wanted to talk only to Moses.

Art: Moses by Carlo Dolci

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