Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Bechorot 29 – Responsibilities of an Expert

If one who is not an expert nevertheless examined a firstborn in the possession of a kohen, found a permanent blemish, and it was slaughtered based on his authorization, the animal is buried and the “expert” pays for the damage.

In general, if one adjudicated a monetary case, or a question of ritual purity, and caused a monetary damage by his incorrect decision, he needs to make restitution from his own property. However, if the judge was regarded a legal expert by the official court and they authorized him, then he does not have to make a restitution, because he is similar to an authorized slaughterer who bungled the slaughter.

If one takes a payment to inspect firstborns, his rulings are void, unless he is an exceptionally saintly person and takes a standard fee regardless of the outcome.

One should not take a fee for judging, testifying, or sprinkling the waters of a red heifer, and if he does, his actions are void. Just as God taught Torah to Moses for free, so one should teach others for free. However, he can be compensated for the wages lost by taking off from work, assuming he is paid as a laborer.

Art: Carl Neuman - Wise Words

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