Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Bava Batra 117 – Daughters of Tzelophchad: Example of Inheriting in the Land of Israel

The daughters of Tzelophchad took three portions of the inheritance of the Land of Israel. (1) the portion of their father, Tzelophchad, who was among those who left Egypt; (2) their father's portion among  brothers in the estate of Chepher, his father; (3) an extra share in the estate of Chepher, to which their father was entitled because he was a firstborn.

Number (1) teaches that the Land of Israel was divided among those who left Egypt, even if they were not living at the time of the conquest of Israel; Number (2) teaches that the daughter of a son received a share even when her father's brothers are alive; Number (3) teaches that the Land of Israel is considered to have been in possession of those who left Egypt.

Art: Joaquin Sorolla y Bastida - My wife and my daughters in the garden

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