Sunday, July 19, 2009

Bava Metzia 84 - Robber Knows his Trade (Finds)

Rabbi Yochanan, who was extremely beautiful, was swimming in the river. Resh Lakish, a highwayman, mistook him for a woman and jumped after. Rabbi Yochanan told Resh Lakish that he had a sister even more beautiful than him, and if Resh Lakish decided to study Torah, he could marry her.

Resh Lakish became a great scholar. Once, they discussed when weapons are considered finished and therefore susceptible to ritual impurity. Rabbi Yochanan said, "When they are hardened," but Resh Lakish said, "When they are polished." Rabbi Yochanan said, "Robber knows his trade" - as praise, but Resh Lakish misunderstood and said, "And what have you given me? I was called Teacher among robbers also." Rabbi Yochanan was displeased, and Resh Lakish died. Rabbi Yochanan was inconsolable about losing his student, and his mind became disturbed. The Sages asked for mercy on him, and he departed.

Art: Boys Bathing by Henry Scott Tuke

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