Saturday, May 30, 2009

Bava Metzia 34 - The Four custodians (Finds)

The four types of custodians are an unpaid custodian, a paid custodian, a renter, and a borrower.
  • The unpaid custodian must safeguard the object but not use it and is liable for any loss caused by his negligence;
  • The paid custodian also may not use the object, but because he is being paid, he is liable even for theft or loss not due to his negligence;
  • The renter pays for the right to use another's property, and his liability is identical to that of the paid custodian;
  • Borrower bears the highest degree of responsibility – he is liable even for mishaps beyond his control, with the exception of work-related damages.
Art: Protecting The School Children by Andre-Henri-Dargelas

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