Saturday, May 16, 2009

Bava Metzia 21 - Lost Objects that the Finder May Keep (Finds)

When an object without an identifying mark is lost, the owner despairs recovering it because he knows that even if it is found, he will be unable to prove it is his. Therefore, the following objects belong to the finder: scattered produce, scattered coins, small sheaves in the public domain, round cakes of pressed figs, and baker's loaves.

When someone loses such an object, but before he discovers his loss - Rava says that the thing is already abandoned, but Abaye disagrees. The law in this case follows Abaye: until the owner has consciously despaired of recovering the lost object, the finder is not permitted to keep it.

This is the "Y" in the six cases abbreviated Y A L K G M, where the law follows Abaye against Rava.

Art: Jean-Francois-Raffaelli - Lhomme Aux Deux Pains

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