Sunday, October 4, 2015

Nazir 43 - How to get multiple punishments

If a nazir is warned not to drink wine, and then he drinks all day, he is liable only for the first drink. However, if they warn him again before every sip, he is liable (to lashes) for each separate act.

Similarly, if they tell him not to become ritually impure by coming in contact with a dead body, and he does it, he is liable only once. Still, he is liable multiple times if they keep warning him before each act.

But how can one be liable for ritual impurity more than once? Once he is impure - that's it, and he cannot become any more impure than this!? - He can achieve it by coming into a house where there is a dead body (for this is a separate prohibition) and then actually becoming impure.

However, this is not possible. If his nose comes in first, he is already impure but has not entirely come into the house. And if he leans back, so his nose is in line with his body, his toe comes in first!

We can invent a solution: he should come in while in a big box, since big boxes protect from impurity. And then somebody must remove the roof of his box. For this, he really does get punished twice - provided that he assists in removing the roof, for otherwise, it is not he but the one who removed the roof would be to blame. Thus, we found an answer.

Art: Peasants Drinking In A Tavern by Jan Miense  Molenaer

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