Sunday, October 7, 2012

Brachot 60 – Blessings on bad events

If one prays about events that have already occurred, this is a prayer in vain – such as, for example, if he hears an outcry in the city and says, “May it be Your will that this is not in my house.” Even though a miracle might potentially change past events, but as a rule, one should not rely on miracles.

It once happened the Hillel was coming along the road, and as he heard screaming in the city, he said, “I am confident that this is not in my house.” To Hillel the following verse applies, “Of evil things he will not have fear; his heart is firm, confident in God.” In general, one should not worry too much, because this only betrays his own insecurities and wrongdoings. However, what about king Solomon's statement that “Praiseworthy is the man who is always fearful”? – that is talking about one who worries not to forget his learning.

One should bless God for the bad things in the same vein as he blesses for the good, by saying “Blessed be the true judge,” since all comes from God. However, we know this already! – This ruling is taught here for an additional lesson: even if some good can come of it later, right now it is bad. For example, if one's field is flooded, then, even though later it may result in increased productivity for the field, right now he says “Blessed be the true judge.”

Art: Arthur von Ferraris - The Learned Man

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