Monday, February 10, 2014

Sukkah 5 – The sukkah and the angels

We mentioned that a sukkah lower than ten handbreadths is not a proper human dwelling and is thus invalid. However, the Talmud also derives this from the dimensions of the Temple. Since the height of the Ark was ten handbreadths, and since God spoke to Moses from the top of the Ark, while Moses listened from below, we see that the two domains never come closer than ten handbreadths. Therefore, this is the minimal size of the partition, and it applies to sukkah as well.

Others derive it from the angels on top of the Ark, called Cherubim. Since the sukkah's roof is called “s'chach,” which means shelter or cover, and since the Cherubim are said to shelter (“sochechim”) the Ark with their wings, we see that they literally define the word s'chach, which must be at the same height as their wings.

Art: Angelic Musician By Rosso Fiorentino

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