Monday, February 4, 2013

Shabbat 120 – Helping others to save food from fire

We learned earlier that the Sages have put additional limitations on saving food from fire from Shabbat, in order that while observing these, one does not come actually extinguish the fire, which would be a violation. Additionally, they allowed him to save only as much food as needed for Shabbat.

However, if a basket is full of loaves, he may save the complete basket. He may also save a barrel of wine, even though it is much more than needed for Shabbat. Furthermore, he can tell others, “Come and save food for yourself,” and if they are wise, they will make a reckoning with him after Shabbat, for their wages as laborers saving his food. Why do they need to make a reckoning?! He said, “Save for yourself,” so it is their food now! – They are righteous, and will not keep the food. If they are righteous, how can they take money for working on Shabbat? – They are righteous, but not that righteous. We said that they were wise, not righteous, and they know that since he did not promise them money for sure, this is not considered Shabbat wages.

Rabbi Shimon ben Nannas tells us the rule that one may cover a carriage, trunk, or closet in which fire has taken hold, and cover it with a hide – since hide singes but does not burn. One may also surround the fire with clay jugs filled with water, and if they burst and extinguish the fire – so be it. However, this last ruling is a problem, since it seems to violate even the lenient of opinion of Rabbi Shimon, who permits unintended benefit on Shabbat.

Art: Jacob Foppens Van Es - Still Life Of A Pewter Plate With A Jan Steen Jug, A Cup, A Basket Of Bread, And A Dog On A Table

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