Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Brachot 44 – The fruit of Kinneret

If they brought him a salted food, and with it – bread, then he says the blessing on the salted food, and bread is included. That is the rule: any time you have a primary food and another one accompanying it, you say the blessing on the primary food, and it suffices for the accompanying one.

How could this be true? How could the importance of bread be reduced to secondary food? – This is talking about the fruit in the area of Kinneret called Genosar. These fruit were so exceptionally sweet that they needed salt, and compared to them, bread was secondary.

Rabbah bar bar Chanah related that when Rabbi Yochanan and his students went there, they took a hundred baskets with ten fruit each, Rabbi Yochanan would eat of all them and swear that he was as hungry as if he never ate. Rabbi Abahu ate the fruit of Genosar until a fly would slip off his forehead. Rav Ami and Rav Assi would eat until their hair would fall out. Rabbi Shimon ben Lakish would eat until he became delirious, and Rabbi Yochanan would notify the Exilarch who would send a troop of men to bring him home.

When does one say a complete prayer after a meal? Rabban Gamliel says that if he eats grapes or figs, or any of the seven special species, the phrase “and you will eat and be satisfied and bless God” applies to him. Rabbi Akiva says that even if he ate only vegetables, and it was his complete meal – he says the complete prayer. The Sages, however, say that he says a complete after-meal prayer only after bread, since the other seven species are too far from “and you will bless,” and vegetables are not even mentioned there.

Art: Claude Oscar Monet - Fruit Basket With Apples And Grapes

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