Sunday, July 10, 2011

Chullin 14 – Slaughter At Night, Slaughter on Yom Kippur

If one slaughtered at night, or if one who is blind did the slaughter, it is kosher and the meat can be eaten. However, this should not be done, because he may fail to cut the major part of the trachea and esophagus – unless there is strong light to help him.

If one slaughtered an animal on Shabbat or on Yom Kippur, even though he incurs punishment for the violation, his slaughter is valid and the animal's meat is fit for consumption. Said Rav, “Even though the meat is kosher, it may not be eaten until the end of Shabbat.” Why? Following Rabbi Yehudah, we say that the animal was not designated for food before the Shabbat. Since it was not thus prepared for use, it should not be used as food. However, why don't we say that animals are designated for food, although they are also designated for growth. If later on they are slaughtered, it is now retroactively clarified that they were originally from those designated for food? – No, we cannot say so, because Rabbi Yehudah does not agree with the principle of retroactive designation, also called breirah.

Art: Blind Musician - Cawen Alvar Sokea Soittoniekka

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