Friday, April 16, 2010

Sanhedrin 63 – Joining God with Other Powers

When the Jews worshiped the Golden Calf, they said, "These are your gods, O Israel, who brought you up from the Land of Egypt." The word "brought" is in the plural, as indicated by an extra letter vav. This means that the Jews continued to recognize the divinity of God but paired Him with another entity. Had they said "brought" in singular, those who do evil to Israel (euphemism for the Jews themselves) would have been subject to extermination – this is the opinion of Rabbi Meir.

However, Rabbi Shimon says that whoever worships the One in Heaven by pairing the name with something else is torn from the world, for it is stated "only to God alone." Rather, those who worshiped the Golden Calf accepted upon themselves many deities in addition to the Calf. They recognized God's omnipotence but contended that He had relegated jurisdiction over the world to many hosts.

Art: Adoration of the Golden Calf by 
Jacopo Tintoretto

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