In every case where betrothal takes effect, and the Torah did not prohibit marriage, the offspring follows the male. If a Jewish woman was married to a Kohen, Levi, or Yisrael, the son is like the father.
In every case where betrothal takes effect, even though the marriage is prohibited, the offspring follows the blemished party. A woman mamzer married to a Jew or a Jewess married to a mamzer - the child is a mamzer.
In every case where marrying is prohibited to the degree that betrothal does not even take effect, the offspring is a mamzer. Thus, mamzer (literally, "defective seed") is an offspring from any one of the forbidden relations in the Torah, such as a married woman with another man (married or unmarried). Mamzer is forbidden to marry anyone but a convert, and his or her child remains a mamzer.
Art: Jewish Scholars Debating by Josef Johann Suss
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